Growing, Growing, Gone! A review of your natural lash cycle

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Lash Education, Students | 0 comments

As the old superstition goes, if you lose an eyelash on your cheek, you should blow on it and make a wish. Perhaps this age-old superstition has some truth because finding a natural lash on your cheek is so rare that, if you are lucky enough to find one, your wish may actually be granted. For those of us with lash extensions, we may notice a lot of “wishes” appear as we get close to our refill appointments and our lashes start to shed. We know that our lash extensions should be maintained every 3-5 weeks but how long do our natural lashes last?

To better understand the life of a natural lash, we have to take a look at each cycle. All of the hair on our body grows in cycles that are part of a three-phase process. The first phase is the growth stage known as the Anagen phase. During this phase, lashes take 30-45 days to grow and reach their maximum length. As many as 40% of your upper lashes could be in the growing phase at one time. Remember that our lashes are going through different phases at different times.

The second phase is the transitional phase also known as the Catagen phase. This stage lasts 2-3 weeks when the lash stops growing and transitions to the next phase in the cycle. If you pull or pluck an eyelash in the transitional phase, it will take a while to grow back because the lash needs to finish completing the transitional before a new one can grow. This is especially important to remember when dealing with lash extensions. We advise clients not to pull, pluck or play with their lashes as it’s best to let lashes fall out naturally.

The third and final phase is known as the Telogen or resting phase. This is the longest phase and can last around 100 days until the lash falls out and the cycle repeats itself. It’s important to remember that not all lashes are in the same cycle and that everyone has a unique growth cycle. Some are growing while others are resting. The best way to maintain beautiful, full lashes is to touch-up your lash extensions every 3-5 weeks to keep up with your natural lash cycle.

May all of your lash wishes come true!

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